Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bites: Kale Chips!

Olympics are here! The world's most amazing bodies in the best city on the face of the earth. Oh man! I couldn't think of a better way to waste my Saturday than watching America's top bad asses fight for the Red, White and Blue.

The Olymps gave me a little inspiration and got me thinking... maybe I should try to be a little bit healthier at least for the weekend? So, what better way to start then with a healthy snack... Kale Chips! 

I've made kale chips before, but they didn't turn out so well. So, I guess 2nd time's a charm :) Here's how it works:

Set your oven at 350, wash the kale and remove the stems leaving just the leaves. Break up the leaves into bite-size pieces.

Spread the leaves out on a cookie sheet and spray with cooking spray (or Olive Oil) and salt

Cook for 8-10 minutes, until crispy but not burnt, and BAM! You got yourself a healthy, yummy snack... just in time to watch the USA take Gold in the next Olympic event!


Site: Pictured Rocks National Park, Michigan

One of my favorite things to do is travel. I love exploring new places and the freedom of packing up and leaving on a whim. My honey is my trip buddy, and we have the best time when we're together.

Over the 4th of July weekend, we went camping in our home state of Michigan, to the Pictured Rocks National Park in the Upper Peninsula. We had a blast! The colors and natural structures of the rocks were amazingly beautiful... it was a wonderful surprise. Pictured Rocks is a 40 mile long structure outlining part of the shore of Lake Superior. Throughout the park there are drive-in areas and hiking trails to get to the lakeshore. Some people hike the entire 40 miles, camping along the way (yikes!). This trip, we camped at the Twelve Mile Beach park and did day trips.

The first day, we drove up to the National Park, set up camp and went to some of the short hiking points.

The second day (first full day), we did the 6 mile hike to Chapel Beach and Chapel Rock. It was amazing. One of the coolest beaches we've been to. So quite and surrounded by natural beauty.

Chapel Rock
After our hike, we went into 'town' where we started the boat tour which went along the entire lakeshore. If you are to ever go to Pictured Rocks, the boat tour is a MUST. We saw a lot of things we didn't see while hiking.

Lighthouse on the Grand Island

This is my favorite structure... the Pirate!
(do you see it? the middle hole his eye, his mustache is just above the water )
The second full day I thought we were just going to do another 6 mile hike, but my honey had other plans... he wanted to do the full 10-mile hike! Although I was a little resistant, I was SO GLAD we did. It was one of the coolest things ever. We hiked 3 miles to the lake shore then 4 miles along the shore then 3 miles back to the car. Here are some pictures from our 10 mile hike:

Lovers Leap

Indian Head

This vacation was a lot of fun and we both enjoyed the time away from work and school and to just be together.

- L

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hello and Welcome!

Post numero uno!! This is so exciting! I have been reading blogs for a while and just recently decided to start my own. I wanted a place to be creative, share my travel pictures and amazing food adventures... so welcome to Sites et Bites!

My honey and I just returned from Pictured Rocks National Park in the Upper Peninsula, Michigan. It was A-MAZING! Sometimes I forget how beautiful this state is. I will post my pictures soon, but wanted to send out a little "hey" to get this party started!!